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Tattoo Flash Tarot
Tattoo Tarot flash

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Tattoo Tarot

Ten of Wands
Stress, heavy burden, reaching the limits

Ten of Wands Tattoo Flash template

The meaning of the Tarot card Ten of Wands:
The man on this Tarot card bears ten of wands in a clumsy manner.
His view is obstructed, he can not see his target.
This means that of man is carrying a heavy burden, but he is not really thinking how he can bear the burden more easily.
Although the man will reach its destination, but only with an enormous effort.

You feel left alone in your relationship with your worries and problems.
Depression and discomfort spreads out for quite some time.
Ensure that you discuss with your partner what is depressing you.
You need to change the situation, or your relationship will break.

This Tarot card stands for:
Stress, heavy burden, reaching the limits

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