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Tattoo Flash Tarot
Tattoo Tarot flash

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Tattoo Tarot

Nine of Swords
Depression, worries, sadness

Nine of Swords Tattoo Flash template

The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Swords:
A person, where is not to identify whether it is male or female, is sitting on a bed, holding in a desperate, crying position his hands over his face.
This tarot card is on the one hand standing for sleepless nights and nightmares, on the other hand, it shows our future fears and our sadness.

If it has recently come in your relationship to a break, then feelings of guilt, regret and despair are plaguing you.
Was it really the right decision?
If your relationship is still intact, then feelings of desperation and the feeling of being left alone with everything are plaguing you.

This Tarot card stands for:
Depression, worries, sadness

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