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Tattoo Flash Tarot
Tattoo Tarot flash

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Tattoo Tarot

Five of Cups
Loss, bad news, grief, bad luck

Five of Cups Tattoo Flash template

The meaning of the Tarot card Five of Cups:
In this tarot card, five of cups, a man stands on a river bank and he has lowered his head in sadness.
In front of him are five cups, three of them are tipped over and have lost their contents.
This card means that something unskilful is going to happen to you.
Or you will have a loss.

You will experience a bitter disappointment in your partnership.
Your partner will lie to you and he will disappoint you.
Maybe there is even a separation.
It is a painful time for you, that begins now.
If you should separate, the way for a new beginning is ready for you.

This Tarot card stands for:
Loss, bad news, grief, bad luck

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